December 19, 2006
We had our christmas presentation awhile ago!
It was really successful! But, I_m also sad because my
parents didn't allow me to go to my friend's house...
That_s all, no last words!!! See u tomorrow!! By the way,
it_s the start of our christmas vacation tomorrow!! Start of
boring days!!!
December 20, 2006 - 6:51Um... It was the high school's presentation awhile ago at our school! I stay at home! You know, there's a brownout a while ago... Actually, there should be electricity at nine but thank God, it's eager than I expected, okay, bYe!!!December 21, 2006I_m now at Luna's house..... We just walked and take pictures..We surf at the Internet... We do have fun.... No more 2 say..bYe!!!December 24, 2006Um...toDay, wE wEnt 2 church.... wE feTcheD ouR grAndmotHer fRom oUr aUnt_s hoUse... sHe wiLl bE haVinG heR cHriStmaSiN oUr houSe... wE wiLl gO 2 a paRty laTer, it_s mY anOther aUnt_sb-daY... um... well, tiMe 2 go... pRomiz, i_Ll wRite 2 u toMorroWb_coZ it_s cHristMas 2moRroW...December 25, 2006meRrY, meRrY christmas!!!! it was a nice christmas for me!!!i love it!!! it's juz simple but still happy!!! merry christmas 2 u all!!!bYe!!!!January 17, 2007hi!!!! um.... we don't have classes today.... the 4th year high school is taking their exam... they need silence so the school decided notto have classes for us!!!! my big brother is a 4th year high school, it only means he is taking a nationwide test.... okay, bYe!!!be4 u live, plz.... visit my friendster.... and e-mail..... 2 ol of u, kng cnoung may friendster and e-mail..... pls add me!!! you very much!!!! bye!!!!January 21, 2007hi!!!! i have a lot of stuff to say!!!! u know, it was our family day yesterday!!! & i won 1st place in the singing contest!!! my price isworth P2000........ isn't dat great???? and b4 dat i took my exam in rizal national science high school!!!! um.... it's a little hard!......but somehow it's easy!!!! i luv dat skul!!!!well, we went 2 church awhile ago........... of course, we praise God!!!!heler!!!! ok, bYe!!!! plz add me.... 22, 2007um... we don't have classes today.... it's our rest day!!! b'coz, remember???it was our family day----saturday.... i think it will be a boring day.... but, itwill not be a boring day if i will do sumthing interesting, ryt???? i think dat's ol i can say.... visit plz.... and e-mail........... and add!!!! tnx!:)
January 26, 2007
well, today, we went to school........ we had our speech choir contest
and individual declamation contest.... opal...our section won the second place
while topaz section won the first place..... u know, their president.... ken villamor
played as Jesus Christ, i was so shocked.... actually, he is a good person but a
bad person.... is it confusing??? it's juz like this, i'm juz a little mad with that person
so dat's why but somehow he is a good person.... (owsss????) juz z joke.... it's
another topic,,,,,, by d way, i won second place in d individual declamation
contest..... u know, i did not expect to got/win a place.... it juz happened....
i belong to the champion category..... anzep got the first place...... i was so
shocked when aepri did not win.... she was so good..... what a surprise!!!!
hehe, juz visit it and add me, friendster and e-mail, sori no messenger.....
campinG stUff!!!
hi!!! we just went home from our camping last thursday at camp paenaan...
let me tell u about dat very great, cool and exciting stuff!!!
first, we loaded our bags and ourselves(of course).... and then we went to camp site 2....
there, ms. gee discussed ol of our activities for our 3-day camp....
then we had our first activity or challenge----- the SURVIVAL GATE!!!!
in that challenge, we need to pass through a lot of nets together with our stuff....
then, we went 2 our base camp, the tents are olredy fixed, the 4th year assistants
olredy fix dem while we are having our challenge.... we fixed our bags.... and then
ms. belle assembled us and we do the next activities.....
first, we had our orienteering while the red and blue team had their first aid challenge...
after dat, we switched activities and we had our lashing challenge...
then, we are ready 4 the dinner things...
challenges: first 2 make fire, first to cook rice and first to prepare dinner....
then we took our dinner... we had our OST----Observation Sensitivity Test
then, group time and TAPS...
2nd day: first--- morning exercise, first 2 prepare breakfast--- breakfast...
4 me, 2nd day is d most cool day, first we had the flying fox!!! cool!!!
as in C-O-O-L coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllll!!!!
nxt, water polo, we play bastketball---- swimming pool then break and then blanket volleyball
and ropes and relays!!!
then, lunch preparation then nap time....
activities again: first, tripod lashing--- that was really cool!!!!!!!!!! next water fun, uranium transfer,
spongebob relay!!! dinner preparation!!!!
then, wash-up!!!! then camp fire socials!!!
then TAPS!!!
3rd day: first--- morning exercise, breakfast preparation, breakfast...
then free play, first dodgeball----plank race----i forgot-----flying fox!!!!
then, lunch preparation---- actually, we didn't take our lunch!!! hehe!!!!
then, we load our things and the most awaited moment of ol, but not me!!! joke!!!!
i'm not juz interested bout it, b'coz i know i wil not hav any award!!!
game, let's start...
as far as i can remember----
3rd place- group ? i don't know!!!!
2nd place- group 5- ken's group
1st place- group 4- ferdi's group
champion- group 1- bon's group
most disciplined group- our group- wat a surprise!!!!
most organized group- ferdi's group
best monitor- ken villamor- i'm not surprised- it's juz dat i can see ol his hard work 4 his group....
best assistant monitor- rizalyn balasabas
best male performer- l.a. condat
best female performer- lyan so
best yell, cheer and dance- aepri's group??? not sure???
then, we ol load our buses, time 2 leave paenaan!!!
den, dat's ol!!!
valeNtiNe's daY.......
okaY, let me tel u some stuff abwt my valentine thingy thingy magigy!!!!
u know, 4 me dis is d worst valentine 4 me, u know y???
it's not b'coz i did not receive any flower but it's b'coz it's sux a boring day 4 me.....
and i don't know y!!!!
but u know, awhile ago, my frend told me dat sum1(supposed 2 be) wil giv me a flower
but he's so shy 2 do it.... i don't care, i really don't lyk 2 receive flowers!!!!
i really don't lyk!!!! swear!!! promiz!!!! and i still don't know y!!!!
and i dont' care abwt dat boy.... i'm not interested abwt him!!! hmph!!!!
hehehe!!! c hw bad i am!!! i'm juz not in d mood!!!
about some stuff...
now, i'm in luna's house... doing sum stuff...
awhile ago, it's our test.... science and math....yesterday, english, sibika and filipino!!!
it's kinda easy... actually asolutely easy... ganun??? hehe!!!
k, byerz!! buh-bye!!!